
Welcome to the website for the first STAR/CBM eTOF Software Workshop. These pages will (try to) serve as a portal to, and hopefully useful future resource for anybody interested in working on software development for the endcap Time-of-Flight detector.

The Goal

The goal of this first installment of the STAR/CBM eTOF Workshop is to seed several software developments, ranging from from slow controls, online QA, to simulations, calibrations, and particle identification.

The Expectations

The expectation is that participants will leave this workshop with the major learning curves behind them and with clear ideas and well-defined milestones for what is expected next. It is also expected that this workshop will see a follow-up in terms of regularly scheduled teleconferences in which this software group and other interested parties continue the effort.

The Concept

The workshop follows a well-tested concept of putting a bunch of clever people with their laptops together in a window-less room while providing them with good wifi and plenty of coffee!

The People

Folks from Rice, Heidelberg, and Darmstadt working hard in a windowless conference room
Folks from Rice, Heidelberg, and Darmstadt working hard in a windowless conference room